Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Carfree Roundup


Unknown said...

Thanks for the shoutout! As I'm sure you know, living carfree has left me with unlimited entertaining stories to tell! :) Besides the anecdotes, I have learned so much about my community, how to clean the air, and a little about myself in the process. I'll admit, sometimes it's a challenge living carfree.. but having people and bloggers giving me a 'high five' and knowing that I'm making a difference makes the commute worthwhile. Thanks again!

ann said...

Hey, I rode past your bike in Porter yesterday morning - was so excited to spot it! The double seats on the back look great, and I love the license plate.

Anyway, a nice bit of blog/real-world intersection.

joshuadf said...

We had a nice discussion at Bus Chick: Car-free with a kid: the challenges, too.